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Sample Primary Programme

Here is a sample programme supporting the inquiry, Our People, Our place, with a focus on the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories curriculum phases 1-2 (years 3 and 4) for ~80 ākonga.


Ākonga arrive by bus or are dropped off by carers at the prison parking lot, met by kaiako and parent helpers.


9.00-9.30: Roll call and introduction to the history of the prison, garden and wider area under the puriri tree in the gardens.


  • Group 1 tour the garden with volunteers, identifying plants and tasting edible flowers. Then participate in hands-on learning with prison and garden artefacts with Kate. Ākonga are guided to think like a historian, asking questions and looking for clues .

  • Group 2 visit the former prison farm to meet Henri Reed, who has farmed cattle there for 26 years. They listen to stories of life at the farm, observe prominent pā sites, and feed friendly horses.


10.30-11.00: Morning tea and a bit of a play at the gardens


  • Group 1 at farm 

  • Group 2 at gardens


12.00-12.30: Lunch in the gardens 

12.30- 1.00: Whole group scavenger hunt for hidden information cards bird and insects that live on Mataimoana | Mt Crawford.

1.00 - 1.45ish: Walk down the track through regenerating native bush in Centennial Reserve, spotting wētā hotels and crossing one of Wellington’s cleanest streams, and return to school.

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